
List all waitlists


  • limit (number) - The number of waitlists to retrieve. By default, it's set to 10 but can be set upto 100

  • created_at_min (ISO8610 timestamp) - List waitlists created since the given time

  • updated_at_min (ISO8610 timestamp) - List waitlists updated since the given time

  • starting_after (UUID) - Paginate pre-orders after the given waitlist ID


  • Link - An IETF RFC 8288 compliant header with links to previous and next page of results for the preorder query.


  • waitlists - An array containing waitlists

    • id - ID used to identify the waitlist inside Purple Dot

    • created_at - ISO8610 timestamp of when the waitlist was created

    • earliest_ship_date - ISO8610 timestamp of the earliest date the waitlisted product can ship

    • latest_ship_date - ISO8610 timestamp of the latest date the waitlisted product can ship

    • state - The state of the waitlist. This can be one of the following:

      • LIVE - Shoppers can start placing preorders for this product if there is no stock in Shopify

      • PAUSED - Shoppers cannot place preorders for this product until the waitlist is unpaused

      • CLOSED - Waitlist is now closed

      • SCHEDULED - Waitlist will be live on the launch date

    • launch_date - ISO8610 timestamp of when the waitlist will be live

    • labels - Labels associated with the waitlist

    • availability - A map of the product & variant-wise sales data

      • product - Sales data for the product

        • product_id - Shopify ID for the product

        • buy_size - Total number of units allocated for preorder

        • committed - Total number of preorder units sold

        • available - Total number of preorder units available for sale

      • variants - An array of the sales data for all the product variants

        • variant_id - Shopify ID of the product variant

        • sku - SKU code of the product variant

        • buy_size - Total number of units of the product variant allocated for preorder (this will be null in the case of a per-product waitlist)

        • committed - Total number of preorder units of the product variant sold

        • available - Total number of preorder units available of the product variant for sale (this will be null in the case of a per-product waitlist)

  • starting_after: The ID of the last waitlist in the list which can then be used in the next request

  • has_more - Indicates whether there are more orders available to page through


curl --request GET \
     --url 'https://www.purpledotprice.com/admin/api/v1/waitlists?limit=1&created_at_min=2023-08-17T00:00:00.000Z' \
     --header 'X-Purple-Dot-Access-Token: <access_token>'

This is how a per-variant waitlist response would look like:


This is how a per-product waitlist response would look like:


Last updated