
As well as including your store's public API key as an api_key query parameter in all requests, this endpoint requires a few other parameters:

How to generate the token

Purple Dot expects a SHA-256 hash of the email and the timestamp in the following format:


You can generate the token in liquid as shown below:

{% assign timestamp = 'now' | date: '%s' %}
{% assign token_value = customer.email | append: ':' | append: timestamp %}
{% assign token = token_value | hmac_sha256: 'd9b24a0f-9c08-45e5-a6f7-53797906da19' %}

  window.PurpleDotAPICredentials = {
    timestamp: "{{ timestamp }}",
    email: "{{ customer.email }}",
    token: "{{ token }}"

Get all pre-orders for a given shopper email address.


  • limit (number) - The number of pre-orders to retrieve. By default, it's set to 10 but can be set up to 100

  • starting_after (UUID) - Paginate pre-orders after the given pre-order ID


  • orders - An array containing all the pre-orders

    • id - The Purple Dot ID of the pre-order

    • reference - The Purple Dot reference number of the pre-order

    • created_at - The timestamp at which the pre-order was placed (formatted in the ISO 8601 format)

    • total_amount - The pre-order total

    • currency - The presentment currency of the pre-order

    • line_items - Array of line items

      • id - The Purple Dot ID of the line item

      • estimated_ship_dates - The estimated ship dates of the line item

      • product_id - The Shopify ID of the line item's product

      • variant_id - The Shopify ID of the line item's product variant

      • order_id - The Shopify order ID in (this will be null if the preorder/line-item is not exported to Shopify)

      • cancelled - Whether the line item is cancelled

    • shipping_address

      • first_name

      • last_name

      • address1

      • address2

      • city

      • postal_code

      • province_code - The ISO3166 code of the second level administrative subdivision

      • country_code - The ISO3166 code of the country

      • phone

  • has_more - Indicates whether there are more pre-orders available to page through

  • starting_after - The ID of the last pre-order in the list which can then be used in the next request


curl --request GET \
  --url 'https://www.purpledotprice.com/api/v1/pre-orders?api_key=<<enter-api-key>>&email=<<enter-email>>&token=<<enter-generated-token>>' \
  "meta": {
    "result": "success"
  "data": {
    "pre_orders": [
        "id": "03cda1e6-0827-4092-ae97-5a4746bac0b3",
        "reference": "#PD404821",
        "created_at": "2023-12-07T10:59:24.248Z",
        "total_amount": 54.72,
        "currency": "USD",
        "line_items": [
            "id": "628f7e83-c56f-4e16-9959-43e011f77e8f",
            "estimated_ship_dates": "Mar 1 – 2",
            "product_id": "9f32f1f6-42bc-49f3-8a55-d28362444ccf",
            "variant_id": "9c1206a0-7efa-43af-bbfa-52498f6af6aa",
            "order_id": null,
            "canceled": false
        "shipping_address": {
          "first_name": "John",
          "last_name": "Smith",
          "address1": "8 York Road",
          "address2": null,
          "city": "London",
          "postal_code": "SW49 5LT",
          "province_code": null,
          "country_code": "GB",
          "phone": "+441974616161"
    "has_more": true,
    "starting_after": "2174855e-0f3c-482d-9cf0-f2b5cb6213cf"

Last updated