As well as including your store's public API key as an api_key
query parameter in all requests, this endpoint requires a few other parameters:
Query param
Where to find it
This is the email of the shopper you're looking up the info for
This is the browser timestamp in the epoch format
How to generate the token
Purple Dot expects a SHA-256 hash of the email
and the timestamp
in the following format:
This allows us to verify the integrity and authenticity of the request by having it securely assigned using a shared secret. The generated token will only be valid for 10 seconds within the timestamp; to make the same API call for updated data, a new token must be generated.
You can generate the token within a Shopify theme in a .liquid
file as shown below:
Copy {% assign timestamp = 'now' | date: '%s' %}
{% assign token_value = | append: ':' | append: timestamp %}
{% assign token = token_value | hmac_sha256: 'YOUR_SHARED_SECRET' %}
< script >
window .PurpleDotAPICredentials = {
timestamp : "{{ timestamp }}" ,
email : "{{ }}" ,
token : "{{ token }}"
</ script >
To generate the token using Javascipt and the native browser crypto
APIs , you can add the following <script>
to an HTML file:
Copy < script >
async function generateHmacSha256(secret, data) {
const encoder = new TextEncoder ();
const key = await crypto . subtle .importKey (
"raw" ,
encoder .encode (secret) ,
{ name : "HMAC" , hash : "SHA-256" } ,
false ,
[ "sign" ]
const signature = await crypto . subtle .sign (
"HMAC" ,
key ,
encoder .encode (data)
const hexString = Array .from ( new Uint8Array (signature) , (byte) =>
byte .toString ( 16 ) .padStart ( 2 , "0" )
) .join ( "" );
return hexString;
async function fetchPreordersForEmail(email) {
const apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY' ;
const sharedSecret = 'YOUR_SHARED_SECRET' ;
const timestamp = Math .floor ( Date .now () / 1000 ); // convert milliseconds to seconds
const tokenData = ` ${ email } : ${ timestamp } ` ;
const token = await generateHmacSha256 (sharedSecret , tokenData);
const url = new URL ( "" );
url . searchParams .append ( "api_key" , apiKey);
url . searchParams .append ( "email" , email);
url . searchParams .append ( "timestamp" , timestamp);
url . searchParams .append ( "token" , token);
const response = await fetch ( url .toString () , {
headers : {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
if ( response .ok) {
return response.json();
fetchPreordersForEmail("").then((preorders) => {
console .log (preorders);
</ script >
If testing this in an API tool like Postman, you can generate the token using a pre-request script. Within Postman, you can import the crypto-js
library, which simplifies some of the token generation
Copy const crypto = require ( 'crypto-js' );
const API_KEY = 'YOUR_API_KEY' ;
const email = '' ;
const timestampInSeconds = Math .floor ( Date .now () / 1000 );
const tokenValue = ` ${ email } : ${ timestampInSeconds } ` ;
const hash = crypto .HmacSHA256 (tokenValue , SHARED_SECRET );
const token = crypto . enc . Hex .stringify (hash);
pm . request .addQueryParams ( `api_key= ${ API_KEY } &token= ${ token } ×tamp= ${ timestampInSeconds } &email= ${ email } ` );
Get all pre-orders for a given shopper email address.
(number) - The number of pre-orders to retrieve. By default, it's set to 10 but can be set up to 100
(UUID) - Paginate pre-orders after the given pre-order ID
- An array containing all the pre-orders
- The Purple Dot ID of the pre-order
- The Purple Dot reference number of the pre-order
- ISO8610 timestamp of when the pre-order was placed
- The pre-order total
- The presentment currency of the pre-order
- Array of line items
- The Purple Dot ID of the line item
- The estimated ship dates of the line item
- The Shopify ID of the line item's product
- The Shopify ID of the line item's product variant
- The Shopify order ID in (this will be null
if the preorder/line-item is not exported to Shopify)
- Whether the line item is cancelled
- The ISO3166 code of the second level administrative subdivision
- The ISO3166 code of the country
- Indicates whether there are more pre-orders available to page through
- The ID of the last pre-order in the list which can then be used in the next request
Copy curl --request GET \
--url '<<enter-api-key>>&email=<<enter-email>>×tamp=<<enter-timestamp>>&token=<<enter-generated-token>>' \
Copy {
"meta" : {
"result" : "success"
} ,
"data" : {
"pre_orders" : [
"id" : "03cda1e6-0827-4092-ae97-5a4746bac0b3" ,
"reference" : "#PD404821" ,
"created_at" : "2023-12-07T10:59:24.248Z" ,
"total_amount" : 54.72 ,
"currency" : "USD" ,
"line_items" : [
"id" : "628f7e83-c56f-4e16-9959-43e011f77e8f" ,
"estimated_ship_dates" : "Mar 1 – 2" ,
"product_id" : "9f32f1f6-42bc-49f3-8a55-d28362444ccf" ,
"variant_id" : "9c1206a0-7efa-43af-bbfa-52498f6af6aa" ,
"order_id" : null ,
"canceled" : false
] ,
"shipping_address" : {
"first_name" : "John" ,
"last_name" : "Smith" ,
"address1" : "8 York Road" ,
"address2" : null ,
"city" : "London" ,
"postal_code" : "SW49 5LT" ,
"province_code" : null ,
"country_code" : "GB" ,
"phone" : "+441974616161"
] ,
"has_more" : true ,
"starting_after" : "2174855e-0f3c-482d-9cf0-f2b5cb6213cf"
Last updated 6 months ago