
Count open, canceled and exported units for the given SKU.


  • at_time (ISO8610 timestamp) - Optional, count open/canceled/exported units as of this timestamp. Defaults to now.


  • sku - The SKU code of interest

  • at_time - ISO8610 timestamp of the count calculation

  • open_units - The number of units purchased through and still being held in Purple Dot because they are not yet ready for fulfilment. Excludes any units that are canceled or exported. An open unit can become either canceled or exported, not both.

  • canceled_units - The number of units purchased through and held in Purple Dot that were later canceled (either by the shopper or the merchant).

  • exported_units - The number of units purchased through Purple Dot that were held in Purple Dot that were later exported to the external eCommerce platform.


curl --request GET \
     --url 'https://www.purpledotprice.com/admin/api/v1/pre-orders/count-units/sku/LRS221?at_time=2023-08-18T09:57:49.576Z' \
     --header 'X-Purple-Dot-Access-Token: <access_token>'
  "meta": {
    "result": "success"
  "data": {
    "sku": "LRS221",
    "at_time": "2023-08-18T09:57:49.576Z",
    "open_units": 14,
    "canceled_units": 15,
    "exported_units": 12,

Last updated