Pre-order Tracking

If you are using our Shopify App, please seeInstalling our Shopify App instead. See Purple Dot Overview for the comparison of our Shopify App vs. Platform integrations.

Client side tracking

The Purple Dot SDK can automatically forwarding events to various product analytics, ad and order tracking platforms if your store uses the Purple Dot init script introduced here.

You can activate these integrations from the Integration settings page in the Merchant Portal.

Google Analytics (via Google Tags)

If your store has Google tags enabled in the theme and you enabled the Google Analytics integration in the Purple Dot portal, then the Purple Dot SDK will forward the purchase event to Google Analytics.

The purchase event that PurpleDot sends is identical to the data sent by Shopify's native Google Analytics integration.

send_to: <the provided Measurement ID>,
transaction_id: <Purple Dot pre-order reference>,
value: <total pre-order amount>,
currency: <currency shopper paid in>,
tax: <total tax>,
shipping: <total shipping cost>,
items: => ({
  id: <line item product ID>,
  name: <line item product name>,
  brand: <your brand>,
  category: undefined,
  coupon: <any discount code that was applied>,
  price: <line item price>,
  quantity: <how many units of this line item>,
  variant: <line item SKU>,
  purchase_type: 'pre-order' | 'in-stock'
purchase_type: 'Pre-order',

purchase_type is a custom attribute. To see it, an event-scoped custom dimension has to be created in GA.

Google Ads (via Google Tags)

If your store has Google tags enabled in the theme and you enabled the Google Ads integration in the Purple Dot portal, then the Purple Dot SDK will forward the conversion event to Google Ads.

send_to: <the provided Measurement ID>,
value: <total pre-order amount>,
currency: <currency shopper paid in>,
transaction_id: <Purple Dot pre-order reference>,

Meta Pixel

If your store has the Meta Pixel enabled in the theme and you enabled the Meta Pixel integration in the Purple Dot portal, then the Purple Dot SDK will forward the Purchase

currency: <currency shopper paid in>,
value: <total pre-order amount>,
content_type: 'product',
content_ids: <list of SKU ids in this pre-order>

and Preorder

currency: <currency shopper paid in>,
value: <total pre-order amount>,
content_type: 'product',
content_ids: <list of SKU ids in this pre-order>


TikTok Pixel

If your store has TikTok Pixel enabled in the theme and you enabled the TikTok Pixel integration in the Purple Dot portal, then the Purple Dot SDK will forward the PlaceAnOrder event.

content_type: 'product',
quantity: <how many line items in this pre-order>,
content_id: <Purple Dot pre-order reference>,
currency: <currency shopper paid in>,
value: <total pre-order amount>,


If your store has Yotpo tracking enabled in the theme and you enabled the Yotpo integration in the Purple Dot portal, then the Purple Dot SDK will forward order information to Yotpo.

source: 'pixel_v2',
platform: 'shopify',
orderId: <Purple Dot pre-order reference>,
orderNumber: <Purple Dot pre-order reference>,
orderName: <Purple Dot pre-order reference>,
orderAmount: <total pre-order amount>,
orderCurrency: <currency shopper paid in>,

Custom integration

You can listen to the PreorderCreated created event to forward data for other custom use cases such as transforming data into a specific format or forwarding events to an unsupported provider.

Server side tracking


If you have enabled Klaviyo tracking from the Integration settings page in the Merchant Portal, then Purple Dot will send the Placed Pre-Order event to your Klaviyo project.

type: 'event',
attributes: {
  profile: {
    data: {
      type: 'profile',
      attributes: {
        email: <shopper's email address>,
        first_name: <shopper's first name>,
        last_name: <shopper's last name>,
        location: {
          address1: <first line of shipping address>,
          address2: <second line of shipping address>,
          city: <shipping address city>,
          region: <shipping address region>,
          country: <shipping address country>,
          zip: <shipping address zip>,
        phone_number: <shopper's phone number>,
  metric: {
    data: {
      type: 'metric',
      attributes: {
        name: <as configured in the Purple Dot dashboard>,
  properties: {
    OrderId: <Purple Dot pre-order reference>,
    Items: [{
      Cancelled: <if this line item is now cancelled>,
      ProductName: <name of the product>,
      ProductID: <external ID of this product>,
      VariantID: <external ID of the specific variant purchased>,
      SKU: <sku code of the specific variant purchased>,
      Quantity: <how many units were purchased>,
      ItemPrice: <unit price>,
      RowTotal: <line item total>,
      ShippingGroupID: <Purple Dot ID of the shipping group for this line item>,
    ShippingGroups: [{
      ShippingGroupID: <Purple Dot ID of this shipping group>,
      Title: <shipping gropu name>,
      Code: <shipping group code>,
      ItemPrice: <shipping group price>,
      RowTotal: <shipping group total>,
    Discounts: [{
      Type: <type of discount used>,
      Code: <discount code>,
      Amount: <total amount off>,
  value: <total pre-order amount>,
  value_currency: <currency shopper paid in>,
  time: <date and time this pre-order was placed>,
  unique_id: <Purple Dot pre-order reference>,

Converge Pixel

If you have enabled Converge tracking from the Integration settings page in the Merchant Portal, then Purple Dot will send the following event (with your desired event name) to your converge account:

  '<Your custom event>',
distinct_id: [`urn:email:<Shopper's email>`],
gateway: 'Purple Dot',
properties: {
  id: <Purple Dot pre-order reference>,
  total_price: <total pre-order amount>,
  total_tax: <total pre-order tax amount>,
  total_shipping: <total pre-order shipping amount>,
  total_discount: <total pre-order discount amount>,
  currency: <pre-order currency>,
  coupon: <pre-order discount coupon>,
  items: <Array{
    product_id: <line-item product ID>,
    variant_id: <line-item variant ID>,
    name: <line-item product name>,
    variant_name: <line-item variant name>,
    sku: <line-item variant SKU>,
    price: <line-item price>,
    currency: <pre-order currency>,
    quantity: <line-item quantity>,
    discount: <line-item discount amount>,
  profile_properties: {
    $email: <Shopper's email>,
    $phone_number: <Shopper's phone number>,
    $city: <Shopper's city>,
    $state: <Shopper's state>,
    $zip_code: <Shopper's zip code>,
    $countryCode: <Shopper's country code>,
    $first_name: <Shopper's first name>,
    $last_name: <Shopper's last name>,

Last updated